I have the following items for sale in the Seattle area only. I won't ship them because the value of the items and the cost to ship them don't make any sense. If you add the freight to ship them, you are more than the price you could buy them in the store. Or.....I would have to sell them so cheap that it isn't worth selling. I can probably get any of the items to any USPSA match on the east side of the sound. Thanks
Lyman Case Prep Express $85.00 https://www.amazon.com/Lyman-6702203.../dp/B004TABTWU
Hornady GS 1500 electronic scale $20.00 https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=hornady+gs-1500&ul_noapp=trueauto disk 2.jpgcase express.jpg
Lee Auto Disk powder measure $25.00 https://www.midwayusa.com/product/10...powder-measure