I want to welcome everyone to the new home for all reloaders!! Introduce yourself and say HI here

With all the issues with FB, people asked for a better place where gun pics, ammo pics, etc would be fine and no one would get banned.

When FB pulled the plug on our 50k member page, we lost 5 years of data, and that WILL NOT happen here.

I built this for all our members to have a safe place to discuss our hobby, and the best way to make sure it takes off, is to USE IT.

I know it will be a learning cruve for some, but it is actually WAY better for finding what you want.

If you install the TAPATALK app on your phone, you will get notifications and a live chat room as well!!

We built this page for everyone, and only the members can work to make it great, and keep it rolling to be the #1 place for all reloaders!!

Welcome everyone!! Lets get this party started!!