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Last Tuesday I took off for my birthday and celebrated the solitude of an empty range .

I took Dad's M700 Varmint Master 25-06' with the OM wide shoe trigger , early 1972 . Very short , very crisp . Probably about 5.5# . I should probably do a deep cleaning knowing more about the assembly than I did in 2005 .

His 95' 257 Roberts with a little polishing but otherwise just a classic 2 stage Mauser there was some work done on the bolt side . 4# of take up in the first stage , 3.5 more to break .

The 98' in 358 with a GI 2 stage and bolt. Ok there's nothing special here . A little bit of polishing and the mix of mystery sourced bits . The first stage is shorter than the 95 and shorter I think than most of the other 2 stage GI triggers I've used , it also retains the 7.5#+ GI weight .

Grandpa's M70 1957 OM 06' . This one is a huge improvement over its sisters at 6# . I would also add that this example is a dead heat weight wise with the bull barreled 700 BDL ,11# I think .

My 110 LH with a little adjustment work , circa 1965 . I backed the trigger spring off about 2 turns and the adjusted the overtravel to nil . About .008 increments between lock stops . The <3# adjustment was easy unfortunately it also wasn't compatible with the safety which fortunately was discovered unloaded . 4# is good enough for a field gun . I also must note that this is the lightest of the group .

I don't have a trigger pull gauge so it's all subjective based on the feel of a known advertised pull .

The other thing in this is that the grips are very similar except the 95' . The feel , cams ,breaks ect , the whole of the all important 1/64" of travel is completely different . I can only imagine that if all of the triggers were the same my control and resulting accuracy would improve.