What a great post! You covered a ton of ground.

When I shot benchrest in the late 90’s early 2000’s everybody was neck sizing only, I forget what year full length sizing became popular on the benchrest circuit.

I neck sized everything up until about 7 years ago, I hated full length sizing and avoided it like the plague. I would deal with hard to chamber and heavy bolt lifts just to avoid the dreaded FL sizing die.

These days I just love the process, every part of it. I still neck size cases for particular rifles, mostly for reasons like you explained above. Most of my rifles receive partially FL sized brass, with the shoulder bumped .002”-.004”. This suits the majority of my rifles very well.

I did an interesting write up on the Swiss rifles page on Facebook. It is in three parts as I got time to play with things. It’s mainly about chamber dimensions and sizing dies and how it affected the ammo ballistically. It had some pretty interesting results, so if you like that kind of stuff it may be worth the read.

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