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  1. #1
    Wes Sage's Avatar
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    Jun 2018
    Renton, WA

    What is yet to come, again..................

    So thousands of our customers have been around for 10+ years. To the tune of 12,000 customers/members. Most are from Facebook, some from other online sites.
    In all the years I have been doing this, I always give a heads up when things will get crazy in the reloading world, based on historical data, personal experiences, dealer chatter, etc.
    A lot of you have been around awhile, but we all get complacent as days, weeks, and years drag on. It is human nature.
    I warned about the last 3-6 HUGE runs on reloading components, and maybe 10% of the people listened and got in early. 90% didn't, then were the ones complaining about the supply, demand, and general price increases throughout our reloading world.

    I am here to tell you, things are plentiful, and cheap now (Brass, Bullets, Powder) "NOT PRIMERS" but they are coming down slowly.
    We are right on the edge where we are going to see supplies of all kinds be nonexistent for months, and pending the outcome of the next election, possibly years!!

    Starting in January, all the buzz will be about the upcoming election in 2024. No one knows IF Trump will be able to run again, or WHO the Democrats will really back for the next election.
    Historically every election year, there are fears about who will be the leader of our country next.
    In 2020, a lot of people thought Trump was a sure thing, and didn't stock up on supplies (Primers were $22 per 1000), and others took my advice, and loaded up on cheaper supplies.

    The ones who sat back figured out quickly they had messed up, and are now the ones complaining about the state of the reloading industry, especially prices.
    The ones who listened and stocked up, are happy they did, and are still loading with components that were a lot cheaper.

    At one point, I had NO inventory, or could only open the website for 1-2 hours, as we couldn't keep up with the orders. Nothing was available, costs doubled or tripled, and things were crazy!!

    We are at that tipping point again. In an election year, there are people who get what they need, in case the worst happens, or the people who think "Well, nothing may happen and I'll be able to get stuff when ever"

    I can tell you, there WILL be a run on everything reloading related, prices will skyrocket, shelves will be empty, right up to the election.
    One of 2 things will happen. A democrat will get elected, and shelves will be empty, prices will be high, and we will all feel the pain for another 4 years, OR
    A republican will get elected, things will calm down, and within a year or 2, prices will just "Stabilize"

    Unfortunately with the way the US has been leaning, I think we will see option 1 happening.

    This is just another post, like I have been making for years, and so far, I am batting 100%.

    Take it for what you will, but don't be that guy all over the internet complaining about prices, companies you call 'Price Gougers" when they have to try and keep the doors open with limited inventory, etc.

  2. #2
    JeffreyDeGraff's Avatar
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    You sure have batted a 1000 with everything that has come down the pike.

    The first primer shortage I ever dealt with was when Clinton got elected. I learned my lesson then. I have never been without components since.

    I know it’s been tough for you as a small business owner, and I hope you are able to weather the storm ahead of us.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Wes Sage's Avatar
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    Jun 2018
    Renton, WA
    Thanks brother!!
    Hopefully, we'll be here to support reloaders, regardless of the storms we have to weather!!
    Quote Originally Posted by JeffreyDeGraff View Post
    You sure have batted a 1000 with everything that has come down the pike.

    The first primer shortage I ever dealt with was when Clinton got elected. I learned my lesson then. I have never been without components since.

    I know it’s been tough for you as a small business owner, and I hope you are able to weather the storm ahead of us.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #4

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    I know you're likely right, as you have been. Unfortunately, I don't want to sit back, didnt want to this last time around, but things in my world were falling apart, this time while I am more stable, I am on a severely limited income ($1600/month) with rent bills and medications, I cannot stock up that easily, well if I want to eat anyway. I will do my best though. Also, I never complained about retailer needing to raise prices, what I complained about and still do, are the people buying up everything that came available, then turn around and sell it on a certain website, for up to 10 times the amount they cost pre democrat, and 5 times what they were bought for..... I got into it with one seller on there, as he was saying it was supply and demand..... that is only a truth untill the point of taking advantage of people who dont know better. I haven't bought any powder since early 2020, primers I just bought some last month, and I was even able to make a small purchase from you, which I'm hoping by the middle of next month I will be able to get more from you. However, that is not a sure thing yet. It's very possible that if we endure another 4 of liberal idiots in office, we may not have any guns to load for, or their will be a civil war and we'll all end up dead.... as we know the idiot in chief has already basically said he would have no problem exterminating us.... likely even with certain weapons that should not have been pursued beyond 1945 ( yes I mean he would even use nuclear weapons against his own countrymen). We have to stock up what we can, even if we can't afford to do so...

  5. #5
    72Camaro's Avatar
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    Until we get rid of mail in ballots and no check of ID, the libs will continue to have the upper hand on counts at the ballot box. I do believe there is a bunch of ballot harvesting and filling out for others going on.
    “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” -John Maxwell

  6. #6

    Senior Member
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    110 miles north of Texarkana in the green hell
    The 3rd wave of the pandemic to end us all has been set in motion with threats of masking up . So race bait/occupy/unjust justice riots can't be far away .

    I was fortunate enough to be able to lay in large stocks 2014-2018 and have a few wind falls since . Seriously who gives away 10# of Herco . Of course my Dad's passing didn't hurt the reserves any which kind of sucks .

    Shot gun components is where I'm hurt .......if only having 5000 primers and
    5 cases of factory lead and 2 cases of steel 12 ga is hurt . Again Dad's stuff helped with's beyond me why he had 2 boxes of 25 count 12 ga slugs . I should probably spring for the 20 ga RB and maybe a 16 ga RB mould but honestly if it walks through 9-12 pellets of 1400 fps 00B in a 12-18" circle I don't know what good hitting it with a single ball at 521 gr and about the same speed is going to do unless the buck was just softening it up ......

    The rebellion is going to come . I fully believe that it will be far more complicated than the Blue and Grey . There's not going to be a line of territory boundaries and probably a real lack of uniforms . I don't expect a lot of interference from outside , because if the Army or the Marshalls had been sent in to settle up an open war between the Hatfields and McCoy's they'd have had to have fought the whole county and probably kinfolk in the surrounding counties. Of course I might be completely wrong and 25 million peace keepers might pour in and just stop the fight .......

    I think I'll just plod along with what I have and what I have going .
    I'll apologize again to Wes for being a nonbuying contributor to both the forum and FB pages . With probably only about 750 Saturdays left I don't know that I'll need a whole lot more in the way of components or new ammo . If I do well it's probably going to fall to the youngers not to my well worn 60ish self .

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