Does either the rcbs or Hornady powder measures meter fine powder like #9 well? Don't want a auto powder measure btw. Feedback would be appreciated.
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Does either the rcbs or Hornady powder measures meter fine powder like #9 well? Don't want a auto powder measure btw. Feedback would be appreciated.
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RCBS Uniflow. All I use with every powder out there, and not one issue
Fine Powder: My choice is also the Uniflow. The Dillon handles #9 very well. I have had no problems with the now discontinued Lyman 55.
I use the RCBS little dandy powder measure for all my pistol loads. With ball powders like # 9 and #7, H110, and the such, it is spot on. With flake powders such as unique and W231, it is +/- .1gr, which is good enough for me.
I drop a lot of big fat stick powder and supposedly hard to measure flake powder through the RCBS Uniflow . H110 metered well as I recall also .
Uniflow and the Hornady should both handle #9. Similar powders work great in mine.
"Long range shooting, It's like golf, but for men"
I use the Uniflow for AA #7, powder doesn't get much finer than that.