OK...just picked up a set of Redding Premium Deluxe dies in 6.5CM, nice dies for the money BTW. Also picked up fired Federal brass from SRS. Need to process this stuff and have a few questions.

If I’m not mistaken, you only neck size when your brass is only going to be fired through one particular rifle...correct?

Since this is fired brass, I need to full length size it to get it back to SAAMI specs...correct?

After I get it back to SAAMI spec and fire it, it’ll be fire formed to my rifle chamber and I should only neck size after that...correct?

Trimming...should I trim short/long or does that matter? If it does, please explain why. I’m a NOOB! Yes, I have a case gauge.

I think that’s all the questions I have for this round right now.


OH YEAH...I plan to hunt with this rifle as well as shoot distance. Are the 147 ELDM’s OK to hunt with or should I find another bullet?

Thanks again!

ANNEALING...do I need to anneal? If so, how often?