Welcome to our new home for all reloaders!!!
I have been trying to heard cats over on FB, and working day and night to finish up a few things here, and to get people in the new page!!
I want to thank everyone for your support, and I look forward to making this the best reloading page on the internet.

Just a few things you can do to help make this page grow, and be a place with Everything:

Stop posting on our FB page once you are here. Use this as the place for everything. We will be ditching the Fb page as well.
Post a link and tell as many reloading friends as you can to become a member here. It will grow the page, and keep it full of new content.

It will take weeks/months to get all our old FB members over here, but I will be working on recruiting from ALL FB pages to get everyone under 1 roof.

Use the Site Suggestions forum if you see things that need work, have ideas, etc.

Thanks again everyone, I am glad we are all here together now!! Screw Facebook and their Anti 2A policies!!