I hate that they have done it again,but I'm here and support your efforts to keeping us all in the loop and offering a trustworthy place to order from. Thank you Wes and team
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Sad but true, this is the world we live in now. Facebook has shut down my pages in the past. It's getting hard for me to advertise my dipping and cerakote. And don't even mention gunshop. From one small business owner to other, you've got my support and business Wes.
B&C Gunworks LLC
Beaumont, MS
Bummer sorry to hear that.. I'm hear tho.
Your efforts are much appreciated Wes.
Zuckerberg and his kind are a bunch of horse's asses. If we could just get the millions of gun owners to understand that we all need to start supporting our own and quit supporting those who oppose us we could make an impact on the Zuckerfucker's bottom line. That would be fun to watch.
Nemo me impune lacessit