I don't think the mid-term elections sucked at all. There is now a balancing of the House and Senate, which is a good thing IMO. I personally don't want either major party to have control of both. Personally I'm an Independent and I don't vote party, I vote person. Like most Independents, I'm conservative on some issues and I'm liberal on others. The one thing the Republicans really need to take note of is the popular vote that happened on the House side in this election. The Dems garnered 8.7+ million votes more than the Repubs and IMO if the Repubs want to reverse that trend, they'd better deal with our POTUS who is clearly the most divisive and unhinged POTUS we've seen in modern times and I'm no fan by any stretch of the imagination. He (Trump) is the one throwing that fuel on the fire with his constant lies, ridiculous tweet storms, etc. that the far left latches onto and uses for ammunition for it's cause. If the Repubs could reign him in quite a bit, the flow to the "other" side would slow down. It will be interesting to see what happens politically in the next two years. From this Independent's view, these last 2 years have been almost comical to watch both sides nearly lose their minds over the other's words and actions.