I’m not gonna lie today was my best day hunting this year. My little buddy wanted me to take him this year. He all of a sudden went from not being into it to continually asking to go. Drakes spent a lot of times in the blind with me and he’s been lucky to take some deer. There’s many things I could say about tonight but there’s one that sticks out more than anything.

“Dad, isn’t that sunset awesome? They’re so much better from the blind.”

The fact that he is eleven and already gets what most will never get. It’s not about the kill, it’s about the hunt. It’s about all the things you see when you’re out there. Birds, deer, squirrels, bald eagles & sunsets. Things most will never see because of not having the opportunity or because they don’t take the time to unplug for a couple hours.

He could’ve complained about not shooting a deer because they weren’t close enough for him. He could’ve been upset because we didn’t “get” anything but instead he noticed the “little” things most don’t take the time to see or notice.

There’s more to hunting than the kill. Tonight I know he gets it. Tonight our trophy was the gorgeous sunset we got to share together. My trophy is that he really gets it and the,

“Dad, thanks for taking me hunting tonight. Can I have a hug?”

This is a moment I will keep with me and cherish forever.

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