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Thread: Which one?

  1. #21
    EUDE75's Avatar
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    Sep 2018
    North Carolina
    Congratulations. That's a heck of a good milestone.

    Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

  2. #22
    CodySPowell's Avatar
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    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by EUDE75 View Post
    Congratulations. That's a heck of a good milestone.

    Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
    Thanks! It's a trip for sure. Never thought it would happen. Just took hitting the bottom real hard...

    Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk

  3. #23
    Brandon Salyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CodySPowell View Post
    Why would you not if you owned something you could with??

    Sent from my SM-J727V using Tapatalk
    Lots of reasons.
    The first being I’m no longer capable. Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away I qualified, just like every other Marine, scoring hits while shooting targets at 500 yards with an iron sighted M16A2. Unfortunately for me time hasn’t been very kind to me, I’m far too blind and shakey. I understand those ranges are shot off a rest or bipod but at that range my tremors are enough to throw a shot 25yards wide. Lol.
    Secondly, there’s no place around me, with the possible exception of Knob Creek, but I will not use their shop or facilities. The $10 per day 100 meter range is an affordable option but their shop is routinely hundreds of dollars over anywhere else around. Over-priced is an understatement.
    Lastly, while I have firearms capable of reaching out I have zero incentive for spending the time and resources to do so. I will take 80 yard handgun shots all day. I will also grab an AR/Bolt/T/C Encore for those same 80 yard shots. All of my shooting is self defense training or farm field nuisance eradication. If I have no real life use, why bother?
    Any of these three, by themselves, would stop me from considering the 1000 yard shot. All three together stop me from even thinking about it, much less seriously consider doing so.

    *** To the recovering addicts. Keep it up. I’ve been a legal narcotics user for 4 years. Just recently I voluntarily cut down to 1/4th my prior dosage. The plan is to be completely clean of narcotics before long. After this amount of time the risk & complications outweigh the relief. It was nice to poop again. Lol. It’s hard when it’s legal and people have sympathy. I don’t even want to imagine trying to stop with the threat of jail, and an unsympathetic society chasing me. Good job folks. I’m always here. I always understand. My phone # is available via direct message/PM/whatever we call it on this forum.

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